Friday, April 5, 2013

The Sky's the Limit

The following quote is exceptionally moving for me. It is one that is painted on the walls at Girls Incorporated, where I spend many of my afternoons volunteering. Whether you are a second grader student attending Girls Inc. who dreams of being a famous soccer player, a twenty-year old college student who aspires to be Miss New Hampshire, or a sixty-five year old who wishes to run a marathon, these words are some that we all need to be reminded of sometimes. At times, almost everyone will doubt themselves. The most important thing to remember is that you have so much potential, and the sky truly is the limit.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

A Daily Dose of Motivation

Miss New Hampshire week begins in just twenty days!! I can't believe it is almost here. So, for the next twenty days, I'll be posting a "daily dose of motivation". I am a quotes junkie (hence, the quotes at the end of all of my blog entries)! I am always moved by quotations, so posting inspiring sayings will definitely give me the extra bit of motivation in my final preparations. So for all my loyal blog readers (hi, mom) -- be sure to check back every day!

MGD 2013

Monday, April 1, 2013


Hi Everyone!

The Miss New Hampshire Scholarship Program is allowing the public to VOTE for their favorite contestant. The two contestants who get the most votes will advance to the Top 12, joining the judges' Top 10.

Voting takes place from April 1-April 23

You can vote two ways:
1. The Miss New Hampshire Scholarship Program's FACEBOOK page and
2. At

Be sure to select Kendall Wipff, Miss Greater Derry! You can vote on every device you have - laptops, smartphones, tablets, etc. Please vote both ways on all of your devices!

Your votes will bring me one step closer to my goal of becoming Miss New Hampshire 2013 and earning valuable scholarship dollars.

Thank you for your support!!!

Favorite Workout Songs!

Hi there! Happy April! I cannot believe (repeat, cannot believe) that it is already April! This month is going to be a crazy (but exciting) one with several big service events at school, papers and assignments, Miss NH Rehearsals, Miss Greater Derry's Outstanding  Teen, final Miss NH Preparations, Miss New Hampshire Week, and the culmination of the Spring semester! 

In preparation for Miss NH, I have been spending a lot of time at the gym. I like to switch up the music I listen to while working out (hello Pandora), but here are a few of my favorites!!

Girl on Fire (Inferno Version) by Alicia Keys
I am excited to perform Girl on Fire as my talent piece for Miss New Hampshire. It is such a motivating song! Every time it plays, it gives me the extra push to run a little faster or do a few extra squats. And yes, it has to be the Nikki Minaj version. (Unfortunately, I won't be rapping Nikki at Miss NH, although if the talent time limit was a little longer I would absolutely attempt it.)

United State of Pop (2009)
This is a mash-up by DJ Earworm. Every year, he compiles the top pop songs into a fun little remix! I've listened to all of them, but the 2009 one is my favorite.

Country Girl by Luke Bryan
Self explanatory!

Blow by Kesha
Anything by Kesha is great because her songs are so upbeat! 

'Till I Collapse by Eminem
I'm not a huge fan of rap, but as Eminem states bluntly, you have to "get that motivation to not give up and not be a quitter, no matter how bad you wanna just fall flat on your face and collapse." There really is no option to give up when this song is playing!

Edge of Glory by Lady Gaga
Such a great song! Upbeat and motivating make for a perfect combination.

22 by Taylor Swift
I love Taylor Swift's music! 22 is one of my new favorites.

Get Your Shine On by Florida Georgia Line
I am a huge country music fan! With summertime approaching, I'm listening to country even more than usual. "Get Your Shine On" is one of my favorites and definitely has the motivation factor!

Stronger by Kelly Clarkson
This is one of those songs that can really apply to every aspect of life. "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" holds true, whether it is a challenge in your personal life, at work, in school, or at the gym (running stairs ahh!).

Get Up Offa That Thing by James Brown
This is on my trainer's playlist at Bootcamp and happens to have been Miss America's winning talent song this year! Funky and upbeat. I love it!

I always have to switch up what I listen to when I work out, but these are just a few of my favorites! On that note, off to the gym I go!

"All your life you are told the things you cannot do. All your life they will say you're not good enough or strong enough or talented enough, they'll say you're the wrong height or the wrong weight or the wrong type to play this or achieve this. They will tell you NO, a thousand times until all the no's become meaningless. All your life they will tell you no, quite firmly and very quickly. They will tell you no. And you will tell them YES." -Nike

MGD 2013